Thursday, March 18, 2010

just a normal day ;)

Hi everyone,

it's me again ;) Thought I let you know that I am still alive ;)

Well, honestly here didn't happen that much lately. The normal ups and downs, but what would the life be without them? right, it would be a bit boring ;)

We are still waiting for spring to arrive, it really lets us wait -.- just last night it snowed again (though not that much, but still ;)) and today morning we had -10°C. But at least the sun was /is shining very bright at the moment ;) so it gives us at least the feeling that spring is knocking at the door ;)
And when I look at the calendar I notice once more that time is running ;) we are already in the second half of March, so in about one month I am going to move to Helsinki. I am so thrilled to finally move back home ;). At this point I have to mention my amazing friends in Helsinki, they never let me down in the past and also now with this "big" move they are helping me with all kind of things!!!! honestly guys, without you I'd never ever made it that far ;). KIITOKSIA PALJON TEILLE KAIKILLE ;)

well what else goes through my mind right now?!? probably not too much since I relaxed a bit this week, this was just necessairy after the last two weeks, my brain totally felt like being toasted.... but this week I was able to recharge my batteries and so I think I'll have the energy to give everything in that very last part of my theoretical studies ;).

I wish you all a very nice rest of the week and a nice weekend ;)


here the song of today:

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