Monday, April 4, 2011

Time of Excitement

Hi my dear reader :)

Tomorrow I finally will take the maturity exam about my final thesis. Setting the date was once again a huge argy-bargy with my lovely supervisor. But well, now the date is set, and I am looking forward to finally leave my "University time" behind me, at least for some years. I probably will do a master at some point as a specialization in my profession. And if doing a master I would love to do it while working, but let's see about that in 3 or 4 years.

Since Saturday it is raining from time to time. Gosh, how I love the sound of rain against the window. Because here in Finland it also means, that the snow will melt a bit faster. So finally spring is on its way :)

Sorry for the short entry ;) but I need to go now :)

I wish you all a nice week,

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