Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer-feeling :)

OK, here I am again, and yeah I am sorry that I didn't write for such a long time. And there is even no real excuse for being absent for such a long time ;) But well I hope you aren't too mad at me.

So yeah summer arrived here in Finland :) and it
feels awesome :) tough I am kinda melting away ATM. I just love it :) and the best thing just three work-days left and then I have one week holidays :) gosh I hope the weather will be the same then :) I can't wait to have a lazy day at the beach, though I gonna have to read some books then, but still reading is still nicer while lying at the beach in the sun :)

Well otherwise everything stays the same so far ;) my job is still fun, though right now we really have a silent season, so it's not that busy ;) but it's ok and I really appreciate it :)

Yesterday I met a friend and we had a lot of fun while doing a crazy photo-shooting :) here is a small selection of the photos that we took yesterday :)

well yeah I am sry, this is also a very short post, since I am going to Turku today, just a one day trip, but I am pretty sure, that it will be nice :)

terkkuja Suomesta

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Melanie! :)
It's quite nice this blog and you know already what I think of the pics from the summery fotoshooting, so I won't comment on that here. :P

I'm a bit suprised to see that there aren't many people commenting around. So I wanted to write something in the comments to encourage other readers to do the same!

Keep enjoying the summer there in the Far North (for an Argentine, it's like you're Santa's neighbour ;) ).

Reading while lying a the beach absolutely rocks!!! I can't do that often (only on holidays), but it's a huge pleasure! :)

So you were in Turku yesterday? How was it like? (BTW, why so all Finnish towns have such weird names? ;) ).

